Autoblog Plugins For Wordpress
Autoblogs are internet blogs that automatically pull data/posts from other sources around the internet, often other blogs in your niche. Auto blogs can be really valuable since you do not need to sit down on a daily basis and write many articles to publish on your blog. An autoblog plugin for wordpress will do all of the hard work for you while you sit down and concentrate on what really matters - pulling in traffic.
Some of the best Autoblog plugins for wordpress are listed below and are really useful for automating your wordpress blog.
WP-O-MATIC - This is one of the more popular and well known autoblog plugins for wordpress and it is free! You really cannot go wrong with a free autoblog plugin.
WPMUDEV Autoblog - This is a paid autoblog addon that boasts better features than it's competitors such as the ability to post to a multisite network of wordpress blogs. It is very handy for building up a large network of autoblogs in a very small amount of time.
Autoblogged - Autoblogged is another paid autoblog plugin for wordpress that claims to be the most powerful autoblog plugin available.
Those are just 3 of the best wordpress autoblog plugins I could find, there are plenty more available to use on your blogs if you look hard enough.
Out of the three I think the WPMDEV Autoblog plugin is the most attractive to me as it will allow people to create hue networks of blogs in a matter of days. It can save months of time and effort that would be needed to create a fully operating wordpress autoblog network by hand.
If you find any more autoblog plugins for wordpress please let me know and I will add them to the list I have posted above.