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Do you purchase Web/Graphic Design products/services?



Active Member
If so, what types of services are you buying?

If you do your own, what are your favorite programs of choice? What was your biggest learning curve?


New Member
I don't use any services. I make my own design.
I use Notepad++ as IDE for Web development and Photoshop or Illustrator for a Website design. Sometimes I use fireworks when I have to create gifs for the site. The Biggest learning curve was learning Photoshop and Illustrator. They have lots of functions and I took me a lot of time to learn most of them.
Canadian Lover

Canadian Lover

New Member
I have never hired a web server to design a website for me. I did all the coding myself. I read a few programming books a few years ago and took a couple of computer science courses, and it deninitely comes in handy when you want to put work into something amd make a good product.


Community Team
I've never in my life hired someone to do something my own hands are capable of doing on their own, waste of money if you can do it. But some people don't have time on their hands to do such.


New Member
I never used or hired someone to do Web Design services since my profession is a Web Designer and I can definitely handle that side on my own.


Active Member
It's great to see that everybody appears to be making their own graphics. Unfortunately, I am not much of an artist so I will likely end up purchasing a fair bit of graphic design in the future.


Community Team
BigJ you can always go on youtube and learn and it'll save you money.


I've never hired anyone, because I've never needed to so far, but I am open to it. I just prefer to do things for myself whenever I can do it for now because I don't want to add on to the expenses any further. When I can afford to, I'll definitely be looking into hiring some people.


New Member
I've always wanted to hire a web designer, but I don't really have sufficient incoming income, so yeah. That puts a limit on what I can do. :p


Active Member
I've always wanted to hire a web designer, but I don't really have sufficient incoming income, so yeah. That puts a limit on what I can do. :p

You'd be surprised what you get can done for a mere $5 on - that said, don't expect the world for so little.


I do not purchase graphic designing services, but I used to sell them. I always used to use Jasc Paint Shop Pro. I never got into Photoshop as much as everyone talked about it, it just wasn't for me. I made some good money designing banners and website layouts, but it was just too time consuming for me to continue now.


New Member
I do the web design and web development all by my own and my absolute favorite tool it's Sublime Text 2, I don't use anything else for coding. I also use Photoshop to build the web designs.

For graphics, even though I know how to do pretty much everything on Photoshop and Illustrator, I have no creativity at all so usually I outsource the graphic working.
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