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Do you use Klout?



New Member
I started with Klout when a lot of people were saying it was going to be the next big thing. While I don't think it's lived up to the hype, there are those who do pay attention to it so it doesn't hurt to work on raising your Klout score.

I'm thinking of writing up a short report about how to raise your Klout score easily and quickly, if there is any demand for such information out there. I started using it as a benchmark for my social media activity and have discovered how to raise my Klout score by seeing what affected it.


"I'm thinking of writing up a short report about how to raise your Klout score easily and quickly"
^^You really should do this. I'm sure there is probably an eager audience for this type of info. I've seen where companies are actually using Klout info in their social marketing hiring process. If I were you, I would post a monetized "teaser" and then require an optin in order to download your actual report. With these people now on your mailing list, you can try to sell them services and/or products which would appeal to them.


I've never heard of Klout until this post, but after skimming through it, it seems like it has a lot of potential for individuals who want to create some sort of authority on a subject. The problem with these kinds of sites is that it's usually limited to within their network, but hey, you never know what might come of it. I like that you're thinking outside that contained box and if there are any users on the network, they should be starving for such valuable information.


I keep seeing where social media companies are using Klout scores to weed out job applicants and potential clients. Is anybody here doing anything special to manage their Klout standings?


New Member
I have been using Klout for at least two years now. My score could probably use some work, as I have not been blogging or using social networking anywhere close to what I used to when I began using Klout. In the beginning, I got a lot of really great free stuff from Klout for keeping my score up. However, lately I only opportunities for things I am not interested in. The free stuff just isn't as great or as abundant as it used to be. This very well could be because I need to work on my score again, but I think it's just become really over saturated.


I had heard of Klout from another member's concerns here, and it looks like if you have a particular strength or knowledge in an area, or even multiple areas, it's worth creating a profile there and raising your score for reliability, even if the only thing that interests you are the perks they offer. I agree that it serves as an excellent way to distinguish great candidates from good ones, but it shouldn't be the only deciding factor in weeding people out.

Were I more active on the network, I would be doing just what they urge their users to do; "be myself". I'm sure the network is a nice pool of useful information, and, well, I would be adding to that pool through my interests such as SEO and affiliate marketing. Come to think of it, more marketers are joining the program, so it may become a lucrative marketing platform in and of itself. I would wait for it to gain enough popularity to do anything major with my standings, though.


New Member
I have not really tried Klout before but what I have heard from some of my friends who do use it, as well as people in forums and bloggers, is that you just have to have skills and strengths that can be desirable for a potential employer. Some other tips to raise you Klout standing is to build a better network, have very interesting and compelling content and influence certain organizations and social networkers who can make your content go viral.


New Member
OK, I haven't really heard about klout but from what you are saying, the word employer keeps coming up a lot. By "employer", do you mean a normal 9-5 work employer or an online employer?

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