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Does every business need a blog or website?



New Member
I won't say that you need it per say, but it great to have a website to promote your business. It is just easier that way. In my view, everything done from the computer is great. I love to use every ounce of technology i can to promote my business. But i will also say this, if you are a true businessman or businesswoman, you can gain attraction for your business by doing simple things. Passing out flyers and posting them in public places, talking to family and friends about your business and asking them to spread the word, etc. There are many different ways to promote a business, i just prefer using a website.


New Member
While I also think that online blogging and marketing by way of business websites are generally good for business, they should not be the only way that you market your business.
For one thing, you are not sure that a lot of people would even bother to buy your services or merchandise by just looking at your website.
Always diversify when it comes to marketing and advertising because there is no best way to do so.


New Member
I will take it one step further and say that having an email list is more important then a website. When you really drill down online marketing, what makes your business run is people.

It is not a website, or a product. It is your customers. So with that in mind, having a list of people is your most precious asset in online marketing.

Few months ago a extremely good marketer Kim Roach lost her website, which was making her a 7 year figure income. Luckily since the hacker only took her website, and not her list, she was able to rebuild your business in a couple of weeks.

So I think the lesson here is, create an email list, is more important then creating a website.


New Member
Yes, I agree--I think if you're serious about really anything, there should be a website, especially if you're trying to make any money. I have done web marketing for years, and the simple act of just having an online presence makes a huge impact on sales in this day and age. I personally shop more online now than I do in stores.


New Member
From my point of view, a website or blog is essential and the best way of communicating with potential customers. And, it establishes credibility. Potential customers like being able to go somewhere for more information about a product or service before making that initial contact.

So no matter what type of business you have offline/online, you need a blog or website. What are your thoughts on this?

It depends what products/services you offer, for example an affiliate marketer can provide information using the official site. On the other hand, if I sell my own products, in order to make customers trust me i must have a blog or website or fb/twitter page to show the products.


It's not a bad idea to have an online presence no matter what type of business you are running (with exceptions or if you're doing something not legal), because quite often people will search up the business name on Google or any of the other search engines and if they find what they are looking for, you have a greater chance of making a sale, even if it was just the business number or opening times they were looking for.


New Member
This feels like a loaded question - we're all here to discuss internet marketing and how we can utilized it to
further our own revenue - but I would say not every company falls under the need for that. There is still
a lot to be said about face to face, personal interaction. While it's true the more connected we become due
to technology, the less connected we are becoming to people - some businesses are all about the people themselves.

Maybe that makes me more of a traditionalist in that regard. Don't get me wrong, I'm becoming increasingly
more hermit like thanks to the internet myself, but there are some things I just won't use the web for.

That being said while I don't think all companies will need or benefit from an online presence, I would feel
justified in believing MOST should and will.


New Member
For a serious company, a website is pretty much mandatory today. You don't need anything flashy or expensive, a simple static website with a clean layout will do. But you definitely need an online presence, because if someone types your company's name in the search bar and you don't have a website, then google might as well bring up your competitors as search result. As I said, there is no need for anything advanced, just a simple site with your contact info will do if you really don't want to bother with it.


New Member
I agree that a website with a blog is a good way of interacting with the public.


Community Team
I think it's necessary to build an online presence so you can cover a lot more area in whatever business you are in because a lot of people do a lot of business online and not being where the potential clients are can hurt you in the long run.
Robert Butterton

Robert Butterton

New Member
If it's a small business, one that only needs to be provided for a small number of individuals then the chances are it's targeted at specific individuals who know exactly what the business is for and what it does therefore there would be no need to create a blog or site. If there were any questions, telephone line and email address.


New Member
In the year 2013, I would say a blog or even a forum attached to a website is essential. You could even replace the blog with a Facebook page, you just need a page where you can have discussions with your customer base. A blog is essential because it allows for a personal connection with clients and it provides the business an opportunity to provide expertise to people that haven't yet heard of their business. You can demonstrate online, before anyone even sees your physical business, that you know what you're talking about and the services you offer are top of the line. Making this kind of connection with customers establishes immense credibility and thus reputation.


New Member
I do think that blogs are necessary for most websites. But I see that others are using more visual ways of adding content to their site in order to increase traffic views. Personally, I would use Pinterest, Instagram and Youtube since video and visuals are huge traffic sources. People seem to want to watch or look at something more than read about it.


New Member
I do not think that "every" offline business needs a website. Managing a website is a difficult task for most users, especially the busy retailers and other small scale businesses who have no time left to look after their online business.


Yes, I do believe that having a website and/or blog for your business is essential because nowadays consumers like to have enough knowledge before purchasing a product or service. They would like to know that they're getting value for money, which is also why review sites are very important.


New Member
I agree that offline businesses, do not need a website. However, more and more are turning at least to social media to get more people coming to their business. People are buying more from people that connect with on a personal level. By having a Facebook page, this is one way businesses are trying to connect with their customers.


Actually, even if a business is offline, it would benefit greatly from the extra exposure to those users in their nation or locality who surf the web or may be looking for the particular service that they offer, no? Few people will scour through flyers and newspapers in search of a very specific product or service, when most will assume that if they type it into a search engine for a quick search, it will probably be there. It is becoming an expectation and thus a necessity nowadays to have a website even for the sheer sake of promoting the brand. If the owners of said business are smart, one lost sale will be of great importance to them, and who knows how many sales opportunities have passed them by, by not being online?


New Member
I think all businesses will benefit from having a good blog or website. The blogs can provide information to the public and it is one way to market the brand. Business-owners would greatly benefit if they explore and employ all options and avenues that will provide access to clients and potential clients.


New Member
Does that mean people open their own small food stall also need to set up a website? I think a facebook and/or twitter page should be okay for small business.


It is really important that a certain business should have a blog/website in order to reach other targeted customers that can't be reached through offline marketing. It offers you the opportunity to inform people of what products and services you can provide in a modern, professional way.

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