I heard someone say that NING as a social network has some essential publishing tools that can help you promote your business. Browsing through it i come across these features...........
.Publisher Blog with content categorization, lead photos, and built-in SEO
Invitation features where you can welcome other experts or members to co-publish
An optional member blog feature
Prioritization feature where you can use Facebook, Disqus, or native Ning comments
and Email Broadcast capability
Mostly I have used Facebook to promote my products, services and blogs and have never tried the NING thing before but am willing to use it if advised otherwise. Has anyone used it before and if Yes how perfect does it work?
.Publisher Blog with content categorization, lead photos, and built-in SEO
Invitation features where you can welcome other experts or members to co-publish
An optional member blog feature
Prioritization feature where you can use Facebook, Disqus, or native Ning comments
and Email Broadcast capability
Mostly I have used Facebook to promote my products, services and blogs and have never tried the NING thing before but am willing to use it if advised otherwise. Has anyone used it before and if Yes how perfect does it work?