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How did you learn how to code?



How did you learn how to code?

Most of mine was out of necessity plus trail and error when building my websites.


SEOTalk Guru
I learnt coding from playing around in my localhost. I know html/css but I really want to learn php so I can further customise things. Ive still never shown anyone one of my themes (I showed you my joke pink one lol).


I learnt coding from playing around in my localhost. I know html/css but I really want to learn php so I can further customise things. Ive still never shown anyone one of my themes (I showed you my joke pink one lol).
Show me the one you are working on :D


I don't know too much code myself but what I do know I taught myself from tutorials online and from just messing around and working things out for myself. I have found it alot easier to teach myself from mistakes and tutorials then I feel I would have by going to college and learning. I may go to college myself at a later date to learn other coding I am not yet familiar with.


It really depends what you are keen on learning, since there are many programming languages on the web. For CSS, javascript and HTML I can only recommend using the website called . It has various tutorials online for free and you are even able to try out various things.


I have taken courses in coding long ago. After you learn one or two from an intructor, I have found that the rest seems a lot easier.

I learned C++ and Java in a class many many years ago. After learning those everything else seems a lot easier. I started to learn HTML, CSS and PHP afterwards using online tutorials and books that I got from the library.

Coding concept is very similar when it comes to all languages. Yes there are many big differences but when you learn a couple, others seem a lot easier.


I learned C++ during highschool. All the HTML I know I learned while working at my first blog.


Well, what i know so far is learned through watching online tutorials, reading instruction pages i have google & asking and reading on forums. As well as that, alot of trial & error has been involved, i have made a far few mistakes, messing things up from time to time, but learning what i done wrong & how to fix it, help not do it again.


New Member
I have learned it by using it. For example I had to use HTML for some of my websites and therefore always used search engines to find the specific code for a certain area.
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