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How many affiliate networks are you using?



Active Member
Just curious as to how many networks other posters on here are using and if you spread your referral links across a variety of services.

*No need to share exact network names if you use CPA/PPD.


I am in several affiliate networks. The major ones are Commission Junction, Linkshare, ShareASale and Clickbank. I also use Amazon's affiliate program. Between all of these I have a huge array of products to choose from. It's great to be able to consolidate the commissions from all the variety of companies that use each network.


New Member
I am in Amazon Association, Ebay Partner Network, Commission Junction, LinkShare.

Only Amazon Association has made me decent amount of revenue. EPN made me a little over a dollar in total lol. As for CJ, I have around $4 commission earned... it's far from enough to cash out, and it's about to expire... LinkShare didn't make me anything at all... I only signed up with one vendor through them though.


New Member
I'm in Amazon Associates and a few CPA networks. That's the easy part, the hard part is trying to generate the traffic to throw the offers at lol.


I use only two networks because I simply don't have time for more. As much as I'd like to join a third one, I find that I'll end up spreading myself too thin across all the things that I need to do. I'd rather give more attention to what I can currently handle.


The only one I've worked with to date was Amazon Associates, and I was not pleased with the conversion rates on it at all - they barely generated any money for me. I've also looked into ClickBank, but I couldn't really find any products that I was interested in promoting - most of it looked like a bunch of get rich quick e-book scams.


I have recently used various affiliate programs that are ClickBank, Amazon associates, Google affiliate network , ShareASale, commission junction and LinkShare. Linkshare is the only program that captured by interest due to its unique platform strength, international capabilities and support quality. Its ability to offer variety of options for you to decide whether you are the one to manage your program through the use of the company’s services and support options or you leave it to be managed by the company was also a main aspect that contributed to my liking it. I have also made some good revenue through this affiliate programs quite wonderful on my side.


New Member
I am using about 4 different networks right now. The more networks i use the better my marketing is.


New Member
I have registered to almost every Affiliate Networks and CPA out there but only use 4 namely Amazon, Clickbank, Peerfly and Adworkmedia.

These are the only ones who are giving me decent conversions.


New Member
I am using a few at the moment. I generally just try to find high quality affiliate products, using several different methods. I think above all else, actually purchasing and testing out the product yourself will make a big difference in how much sales you make.


New Member
The only one I've worked with to date was Amazon Associates, and I was not pleased with the conversion rates on it at all - they barely generated any money for me. I've also looked into ClickBank, but I couldn't really find any products that I was interested in promoting - most of it looked like a bunch of get rich quick e-book scams.
Clickbank is full of those ebooks and programs, l managed to make 96 dollars and then l gave up, currently l'm looking at affiliatebot.

Sue Giplaye

New Member
I have only worked with Clickbank. Clickbank has a lot of ebooks to choose from. But from looking at these posts, I am eager to sign up with Amazon's Affiliate program and Commission Junction.


New Member
I'm using 21 different affiliate networks. My niche is different then others, so it's common to be promoting this many affiliates on one site.


I'm planning to get into the business of affiliate marketing soon. I'll be sure to try out most of the names mentioned here. From what I've been hearing, Amazon seems to pay the maximum commission out of all the rest. Am I right?


Active Member
I'm impressed that there are so many people using the big names. I hope that all of you are able to make a stable income from them.
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