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How to find out why your site is dropping in rank?



New Member
How do you find out the reason your site is dropping? I have a lot of info, yet Google is not seeing it.

Does it make a difference if the Url of a thread doesn't show the thread title/description?

So for example. www. whateverforum/view_topic.php?id=9149&forum_id=12

As opposed to www. whateverforum/interact/threads/fixingabmwradiator


Staff member
Established Memeber
Hi Forumhle,

from your question I understand you are referring specifically to forum/community SEO. Judging by your example URL strings I'm guessing possibly phpBB ?

Forum SEO is no different to any typical site but the script you are using will hinder or help your progress depending on your technical knowledge, both of the script and SEO and your ability.

URL structure is indeed important, especially when your URL's contain query strings instead of nicely formed URL phrases.

Another big thing for forums is thin/duplicate content generated by poorly formed categories, user profiles and the inability to customise and form correct canonical's in parts.

If you have the capability to use a commercial script such as Xenforo 2 which we run here, alot of the basic's are covered, but even then there is a large amount of things that can be improved.


New Member
Thanks for the reply. I`m trying to get my head around all this. I had help with technical stuff from someone a while ago but he moved into a different job type. I`m basically starting from scratch.
I`d prefer to pay someone to help due to my very limited knowledge. It `s going to be a long hard slog.
It is a discussion forum using a form of phpBB.


Staff member
Established Memeber
Hi Forumhle,

Feel free to start a conversation with me ( private message, called conversations on this platform ) with your website and details. I maybe able to advise a little better with your URL


I myself am not sure why Google is neglecting some of the better, informative sites. There are many sites, blogs which are well written and I believe that they should be ranked higher than what they are now!


New Member
You can check messages from Google to your Google webmaster account.
Also, get help of Google analytics to know bounce and exits of users from particular page
You can run a free SEO audit to know the check points of on page SEO
Use the tools GTMatrix, Google page speed insight, pingdom etc.


New Member
If you see a sudden drop in ranking that means something is going wrong with your website, first check webmaster Manual action or check on which day your website ranking has dropped then check any google Algorithm has rolled out on that time.


Established Memeber
Have you checked for toxic or lost backlinks?

URLs like
are more SEO-friendly because they include keywords and are easier for users (and Google) to understand. Dynamic URLs (like the first example) can still rank, but they’re less ideal.
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