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How to Keep Your Traffic High-Quality

Dr. J

Dr. J

It seems like the first thing to do is to stay true to your purpose In Real Life, and to keep the Internet as an extra tool for fulfilling that purpose.

For instance, my IRL-purpose might be 'to distribute true truth.' So my writing attracts people looking for true truth and -people also looking distribute true truth.... Not so many people who are looking 'to make money' or 'to be popular.'

Good start?


New Member
Provide a genuine solution to the needy people and they will flock to your site! This holds true for any niche market. Sites like LinkedIn can send really good traffic to your site. Pinterest, Facebook, and other such sites can also send some targeted high-quality traffic to your site. Adwords is a paid marketing strategy that produces very high quality traffic to your site.


New Member
It depends on what you mean by high quality traffic. Does it have to be visitors who are interested in buying with what you are selling? Or, just visitors who are interested in the topics of your articles. Either way, you can monetize your site in some form or another, and get compensated for the traffic it garnered.
Dr. J

Dr. J

It depends on what you mean by high quality traffic. Does it have to be visitors who are interested in buying with what you are selling? Or, just visitors who are interested in the topics of your articles. Either way, you can monetize your site in some form or another, and get compensated for the traffic it garnered.

grrr :mad: 'money on it!' :poop:

That's exactly wrong.... Look at television-advertising. Advertisers pay more for advertising displayed for customers who are in the right mind-set. And the right mind-set IS NOT 'I'm lookin` for what I should buy!' but it's a more-relaxed state ... kind of 'I'm worry-free & watching something that looks good to me, and these people want to help me be worry-free in other areas of my life ... okay! :p'

I guess I'm 'swatting at the point from another direction' here; free traffic from surf-exchanges is not traffic that's gonna 'search' to find out how you are any-different from the hundreds-of-thousands of other surf-exchange-users out there, it's gonna be 'a lot of other people who are just opening your page to earn another fraction of a display for themselves & -their upline' :cautious:


Television advertisements, like all advertisements, come in very different flavors regardless of the product that is being promoted. Some will use humor, some will assign celebrities or other popular figures to do a testimonial for them, some will rely on testimonials from multiple people one has never heard of, some will make it flashy, some will try to make it cool, so on and so forth with virtually limitless possibilities for combinations between all of these. The point, however, is to influence a consumer - someone who probably has money - to buy the product. If the marketers are smart, they will design their ads for a certain demographic or audience (which all ads do to some extent), to target their visitors (visitors who are "in the right mindset, as you say). All ads are targeted to somebody, no matter what platform it's on. I agree that some people will tell themselves that a product looks like something they "should" buy and buy it that way, but that is technically how you feel when you go to buy anything...
Dr. J

Dr. J

Nymph And--selling the advertising--you're NOT selling 'orders that customers purchase products OR ELSE,' you're selling 'time for the sellers to use to associate themselves with the show & -to suggest that the product-makers are the customers' friends who only want to make the customers' lives better!' :inlove:


New Member
Use social media sites and update your content regularly.
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