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How to make my site search optimised?



New Member
How to make my site search optimised?

I would like an SEO guru to look over my prototype website site.

It has no content yet, only the structure is in place in the /test/ folder. I intend to make the content straightforward to non-legal visitors to understand.

I would like thoughts on how I can make it search friendly and give it the best search rank.

No adwords or adsense planned.

I prefer not to get into search engine submission. From previous experience with similar websites, it’s never worked

The market is England and Wales and the keyword is “bailiffs”



Hello Peter,
Content is the key. Not just loads of blurb but keyword specific content. With the geographical area you are looking to cover I would suggest it is critical.
I am sure others will offer other figures, however, I would be looking to have between 200 - 500 words of relevant content on any page sub-divided with sub-headings that include the page keywords wherever possible.
(BTW - Avoid writing for the numbers. Make your copy coherent and informative, and Google will love you.)
What competition do you have?
What do they say in their pages?
Run their sites through Google Keyword Planner to see what terms they are using.
Even though you are covering such a wide area I think a fully completed Google My Business profile will be very beneficial too.
Although not so important, I would make sure that the filenames and words associated with any of your images include generically what you do. At present there are some words but they don't focus on your business.
Good Luck


New Member
That’s very good and informative advice, and I appreciate you taking the time to give it.

I think I have the content/quantity balance just right to make it relevant to capture the keywords a user is likely to use.

There isn’t much imagery in the site, other than stock images on the homepage, but previously, I’ve used images and they only appear in a Google image search and never achieved a sales conversion for me. I’ll try your method and give them an ALT tag.

I want to spread the site into more pages each with less content. I’m concerned about TLDR and visitors, potential customers moving to the next search listing.

Competing sites don’t offer much content, just large imagery and a contact form with a telephone number. I’m up against fleet sites, websites created en-masse with similar content each with their own brand.
Last edited:


New Member
Thanks for the community answer. I have also doubt this type but now I cleared it.
Mark Damelio

Mark Damelio

New Member
Hello Peter,
Content is the key. Not just loads of blurb but keyword specific content. With the geographical area you are looking to cover I would suggest it is critical.
I am sure others will offer other figures, however, I would be looking to have between 200 - 500 words of relevant content on any page sub-divided with sub-headings that include the page keywords wherever possible.
(BTW - Avoid writing for the numbers. Make your copy coherent and informative, and Google will love you.)
What competition do you have?
What do they say in their pages?
Run their sites through Google Keyword Planner to see what terms they are using.
Even though you are covering such a wide area I think a fully completed Google My Business profile will be very beneficial too.
Although not so important, I would make sure that the filenames and words associated with any of your images include generically what you do. At present there are some words but they don't focus on your business.
Good Luck
I was having the same doubts and questions about my website optimization and your answer turned out to be very much helpful and i m learning through it


Established Memeber
How to make my site search optimised?

I would like an SEO guru to look over my prototype website site.

It has no content yet, only the structure is in place in the /test/ folder. I intend to make the content straightforward to non-legal visitors to understand.

I would like thoughts on how I can make it search friendly and give it the best search rank.

No adwords or adsense planned.

I prefer not to get into search engine submission. From previous experience with similar websites, it’s never worked

The market is England and Wales and the keyword is “bailiffs”


Your search results will optimize after performing proper SEO. You should maintain your On-page and Off-page SEO properly. However, the first thing is optimizing your content based on your keywords. “Content is king”. So, Quality, Informative and Optimize content will give you an extra boost.


New Member
Be the best answer to a specific question and Google will reward you for it.


Established Memeber
Keep your focus on making your website useful for your specific targeted audience for optimal success.

Another important thing is giving your audience what they want and expect.

For instance, if you have an e-commerce site that sells boys T-shirts. A customer needs a new pair of sports T-shirts and conducts a Google search for the best sports T-shirts. You’ve written a long, in-depth blog post about choosing sports T-shirts, including brand recommendations and information for different types of sports T-shirts.

The visitor reads the article. In the end, you have a lead magnet that offers a free sizing and fit chart for athletes. All the visitor has to do is sign up for your email list.

So you need to think like a pro marketer to leverage this vast trending digital revolution.


New Member
Examine the entirety of your website information. ...

Direct intensive catchphrase research. ...

Produce long and esteem rich substance. ...

Improve for on-page SEO. ...

Improve for off-page SEO. ...

Improve the website for versatile. ...

Accelerate the pages. ...

Get quality backlinks.
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