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Monthly or Yearly



New Member
I have seen many hosting companies offer Monthly or Yearly pricing for web hosting. Do you prefer paying monthly or yearly for hosting? Yearly saves you a lot of money because the Host usually lowers the price, lets say you pay monthly for 12 months, you'd pay much more than paying once for a year.

My current host, HostGator, offers to save you $150+ for paying for 3 years instead of monthly for 3 years. I am currently paying monthly because I earn money each month, it's easy to focus on the monthly payments because I can cancel anytime and with the money I spend at one time for yearly hosting, I can use it on other things.


New Member
I would prefer to pay on annual bases because it has somewhat discount factor involved in it. plus it is good to pay once a year because sometimes you forgot to pay monthly fee which may leads towards serious issues.


New Member
It is much more convenient if it is payment for the year, because after a month you can forget whether you paid or not and the site will not work. And besides that, the payment for a longer period is always more economical.


New Member
Usually every year, if we take a long-term perspective. If you forget to pay for hosting and your resource will have good seo indicators, it will easily go to another person at the auction. I advise you to be careful about paying for domains.
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