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Need some serious advice regarding keyword research



New Member
Hello everyone! Finally, I am here. I really need the help of you guys with my website. My website name is dazepoint. You can find it easily.
The purpose is to provide trending news of celebrities, tech, movies etc. My target audience is the youth living in the USA. Now I am confused in the keyword research part. I have to go for free tools as my budget is low to invest. Some are suggesting "google keyword planner" and some are suggesting " ubesuggest" and the list goes on.
Now for example currently Chris Evan leaked pics is trending right now in google trends. But there is no related keyword to that on neither ubersuggest nor google keyword planner. Why is that? When I write "Chris Evans leaked pics" in either google keyword planner or ubersuggest, no results are shown. Results are shown only when I just write only "Chris Evans". Why is that? This topic is getting discussed a lot currently on twitter and other platforms. Why google keyword planner and ubbersugest are not showing the desired related keywords.

Please guide me comprehensively on how to utilize these tools effectively.
If I am writing a 300-word article on the topic "Chris Evans pictures got leaked", what keywords should I use from google keyword planner or uber suggest. Which keyword should be the primary keyword? How many times should the primary keyword get repeated? What keywords should be secondary? Total how many keywords should be present in the article. etc Please I need someone who really knows about the keyword research domain. I shall be very thankful to you guys. Also guide me how to improve my content further to get it ranked.
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