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Non tematical traffic



Established Memeber
Hello! I have a technical SEO optimization site that has a section about SEO tools, and among them is a Spell Checker tool. By itself, this tool is NOT SEO and is located deep on the inner page. The traffic goes to it regularly, 200-300 visits per day.
However, to the site itself (technical SEO) without a Spell Check page, which I am developing, has traffic of only 10-30 visitors per day.
Question: can this internal page somehow incorrectly define the theme of my site, which is why the main page is visited only a 10-30 times a day?
I'm thinking: maybe I can delete this Spell Checker and set a 301 redirect to the main page (or other SEO tools) and then traffic to the site will be exactly on the SEO theme?
Or does it have no effect and after deleting the page my traffic will remain the same?



Established Memeber
If you want to get more traffic on your page by using only SEO techniques, then it will be best to delete any non-SEO tools. However, you can incorporate the following methods to attract organic traffic to your page -

  • Improve user experience across your site
  • Focus on the quality of content
  • Make your content mobile-friendly
  • Optimize your content for voice search
  • Do not overlook technical SEO
  • Keep measuring your SEO performance
  • Target local searches and its landing pages


Established Memeber
If you want to get more traffic on your page by using only SEO techniques, then it will be best to delete any non-SEO tools. However, you can incorporate the following methods to attract organic traffic to your page -

  • Improve user experience across your site
  • Focus on the quality of content
  • Make your content mobile-friendly
  • Optimize your content for voice search
  • Do not overlook technical SEO
  • Keep measuring your SEO performance
  • Target local searches and its landing pages
Thanks, I set the 301 redirect from this page and I will wait for the results
Business SEO Services Business SEO Services

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