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phpBB forum and SEO



New Member
Hello everyone. New to the SEOForums and still working my way through.
I own a phpbb based forum with a lot of information and content but unfortunately google is ranking us way behind other forums with similar content. Do you guys have any idea if google is not very keen on the phpbb forums or I am doing something wrong?

Thank you.


Staff member
Established Memeber
We've converted around 100+ phpBB forums over the years, previously to vbulletin and since vbulletin's demise most to Xenforo. Pretty much every single instance of converting a board with a reasonable amount of existing traffic and/or authority has resulted in an uplift of rankings as a result of the better structure, SEO friendiness and better code bases.

I can't say that in your case it would be the case, but typically I'd always recommend the platform that is better out of the box. I havent recommended phpBB since probably 2006.


New Member
All pages has the same H1 (forum title). You must change that (is SEO basic)
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