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SEO vs Content



Adding more good content is always better than only trying SEO techniques.

When a single page website, or a blog with only one or two posts, has hundreds of backlinks to it, that will identify it to Google as having paid backlinks and not genuine ones. In that case it will be penalized by Google.

A website or blog with a lot of links leading to it, and not all to the homepage but to individual articles, indicates that people have found something they want to share or recommend. That will allow Google to identify quality content and rank it higher.


New Member
You always reach a stage when content is exhausted for a particular keyword range. It is therefore necessary to build off-page linking at the same time I build content. I think what is more important is content quality over the long term. When I start getting organic traffic, my post content is what will get me more links. So I think both are important in their own way.

Also, the search engines have no way of knowing how good the content really is. It acknowledges good content by the number of people endorsing it by either referring to it or offering a back link.


New Member
it is very very important to maintain the content than the seo ... If the content is too good then the seo will automatically responds to it ....


If you have good content you can do just fine even if you don't work on SEO. Content is the one with real value and so you should put it always in first place. I always write first and then do a proof reading and if I find that I can change a word or two to optimize the SEO then I would do but always keeping in mind that the content is what's important.


I think SEO only makes you discoverable, but ultimately it will be content that keeps your viewers and therefore further increasing your rank and visibility. Both work hand in hand, and one couldn't function efficiently without the other, in my opinion.

I agree. We have to write for the people who visit our sites first and foremost. We must give them a reason to spend more time on the site by giving them content that is of high quality and relevant to what they were initially searching for. If we do so, they may go on to visit many more pages on the site, and perhaps become repeat visitors and/or share links to our site on social media.

It's a win-win situation; we can reduce our bounce rate if the visitors are finding what they're looking for at our site, and, accordingly, their total time spent on the site will increase. And, as an added bonus, they may share links so we get "natural" backlinks. These are all factors that Google takes into consideration when ranking our sites.


New Member
It is true that SEO is part of content. I, however, have noticed that a lot of people are too focused on SEO when they write content. They put a lot of concentration into using keywords often. They sometimes do this at the expense of good sounding content.


New Member
It is true that SEO is part of content. I, however, have noticed that a lot of people are too focused on SEO when they write content. They put a lot of concentration into using keywords often. They sometimes do this at the expense of good sounding content.

Could it be the marketer is successful and therefore follows a process that works? All that matters in the long run is to climb up rankings quickly and remain there for a long time.

I would rather follow a method that works currently even if it amounts to changing established strategy altogether. To be more precise, I would like to follow a method that works for say a year or so. Results must indicate steady increase in rankings.


Could it be the marketer is successful and therefore follows a process that works? All that matters in the long run is to climb up rankings quickly and remain there for a long time.

I would rather follow a method that works currently even if it amounts to changing established strategy altogether. To be more precise, I would like to follow a method that works for say a year or so. Results must indicate steady increase in rankings.

Writing good content is a method that has always worked so you can be sure that the efforts you put into writing good content will still give you results a year from today. Content aimed for human readers has more value now that Google is using their new algorithms.


I am a writer and as far as my experience goes, content always suffers because of SEO. Often I get instructions to use keywords that can't even be decently used in sentences but I have to put them in because our head writer will look for them. There has been a time when my head writer outright told me that the grammar can be wrong for as long as the keywords were in the first sentence, last sentence, in the title and 3 in between. My articles would sound much better without all these instructions. I couldn't take it and eventually resigned.

Nixon Marcion

New Member
That's what I was going to say CTX. Quality content is a part of SEO. Hanaseru, you can have the best content in the world, but if the SEO is bad you probably won't get much traffic to that content. Very few people are actually going to see it.

This is the reason why SEO experts normally hire content writers to work with them because they can't really write or may be don't have the time to do so. But how important is keyword density?


New Member
I am a writer and as far as my experience goes, content always suffers because of SEO. Often I get instructions to use keywords that can't even be decently used in sentences but I have to put them in because our head writer will look for them. There has been a time when my head writer outright told me that the grammar can be wrong for as long as the keywords were in the first sentence, last sentence, in the title and 3 in between. My articles would sound much better without all these instructions. I couldn't take it and eventually resigned.

Just by getting the keywords in the appropriate positions of the article, it is possible to comply with most of the on-page SEO requirements. Having said that, still possible to use obscure keywords in sentences without disrupting the flow.

I generally use search keywords to break the flow within a sentence. Readers are not aware of a break, and focus shifted from logic to what the single keyword has to imply. This generally happens to me when I use long-tail keywords.


Content and SEO go hand in hand. Basically you should create content that better optimizes your site in the search engines.

If your site has good content then you will rank better but if you have a trashy site that is just trying to get ranked using poor content and bad SEO tactic then you are probably likely to be attacked by a Penguin or a Panda! :eek:


Generating content is part of an overall SEO strategy, it's not some polar opposite of it. You might be getting on-site SEO optimization mixed up with SEO. On-site optimization is addressing your site structure, the url paths, meta information, headers, titles, etc...


Good, original content is actually, IMHO, the first step after site structure in development of your SEO strategy. Afterall, a website should have content, it should be meaningful and add value to visitors looking for information, specific topics, a product review and more.

Open comments or a forum adds to possible visitor engagement. If you add good images, a video and even links to other great and similar content your inviting revisits, higher rankings and better page authority in the long run.


I agree with Rube. If you had a choice, it's best to focus on having great content rather than solely using SEO techniques. In fact, your SEO techniques will fail if you don't have great content. Content is king, as they say in internet marketing. So, focus on creating great content and focus your SEO techniques on that.


New Member
Good content is as good as good SEO. You can't concentrate on one and ignore the other. Good SEO will make your content to rank high in search engines and good content will keep the traffic engaged


New Member
Yes Unique and quality Content is really necessary for good traffic.
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