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SiteAnalyzer - free SEO spider and audit tool



Established Memeber
We have released a new version of SiteAnalyzer, we'd love to hear feedback and suggestions for the new version.

New version SiteAnalyzer 2.8

In version 2.8 we added 6 domain analysis modules, cookie management, export of selected projects to Excel, fixes the issues that could occur during the program registration.






What's new:
  • added domain analysis modules - a set of 6 modules (WHOIS, CMS-checker, subdomains finder, keyword density analysis, etc.)
  • added the ability to use cookies, as well as exporting all the cookie information to a text file
  • added the ability to export selected projects to Excel format in the projects list
  • a button has been added that displays the data export menu on the Info panel
  • added the ability to rescan 3xx redirects
  • fixed a bug in the dashboard that occurred when switching between projects, when the main site quality indicators were summarized
  • fixed a bug that occurred when exporting a project with an open tab with missing data. In this case, export used to be unavailable
  • optimised Sitemap generation algorithm for images (images are now generated relative to Google recommendations)
  • fixed the redundant count of the ALT tags content for favicons (ignoring the ALT for files inside the HEAD tag)
  • optimized the feature of exporting user-visible fields to Excel instead of all the existing fields
  • fixed a bug when the program sent incorrect headers to the server during the website scan
  • fixed a server connection error that occurred when checking for version updates
  • fixed incorrect parsing of the ALT and TITLE tags for images
  • fixed the duplicate count of the H1 and Description tags
  • fixed issues that could occur during the program registration
More info:


Established Memeber
New version SiteAnalyzer 2.8.1

In version 2.8.1 we added scrolling when selecting cells with the mouse, fixed bugs in the Dashboard tab, connected proxies now work globally in the whole program.


What's new:
  • proxies now work when checking for updates, program registration, and on the data extraction rules test form
  • added an option to open the selected URL on in the «Info» panel's incoming and outgoing links and in the «Custom filters» tab
  • added scrolling when selecting cells with the mouse, and also fixed copying data from cells using Shift + PgUP/PgDown
  • fixed a bug that occurred when exporting Dashboard tab data to *.PDF, when the site optimization evaluation was taken from another project
  • fixed a bug that occurred when the test form of the data extraction rules did not always load the source code of the page by URL
  • fixed a bug that occurred in the Dashboard tab when the data was not updated after rescanning project pages
  • fixed a bug where the contents of selected cells in just one line were not copied to the clipboard
  • fixed a bug that did not always correctly identify the contents of the H2 tag
  • added correct XML header when generating Sitemap for images

More info:

P.S. To work in the full version, you will need to re-enter the registration key.


Established Memeber
We have released a new version of SiteAnalyzer, we'd love to hear feedback and suggestions for the new version.

New version SiteAnalyzer 2.9

In version 2.9 we have added the ability to import an URL list into a project, duplicate projects, export a site structure to a MindMap, and create a graph of a site’s top anchor. Moreover, some of the other bugs have been fixed.






What's new:
  • added the ability to import URLs into an active project via clipboard, text file, or Sitemap.xml
  • added the top anchors filter in the «Custom Filters» panel and a graph of keyword density
  • added the ability to export site structure to a MindMap diagram
  • added the ability to duplicate projects (duplicate sites on different URLs)
  • added a new filter containing active (current) page links, i.e. links from a page to itself
  • added the specified response time for each proxy in the «Proxies» settings section
  • added the ability to check the indexing of pages from the imported list of URLs
  • added the ability to specify names for HTTP headers
  • fixed the bug with empty link anchors and ALT texts of images in the «Info» panel
  • fixed the incorrect data extraction from the imported URL list
  • added the export of the imported URL list and the parsing of the H1-H6 tabs in the «Project» mode
  • the settings in the «User Agent», «URL Exceptions», and «URL Sequence» sections are now saved separately for each project
  • the program log is now informed if a site is banned for indexing via the «Robots» meta tag or the «X-Robots-Tag» HTTP header
  • fixed the bug when the «Redirect address» column was empty after scanning pages with the 3xx code
  • the updater module is now integrated into the program so the size of the distribution package has been reduced by 2 Mb
  • after restarting a paused project, % progress is now continued from the last value at the moment of the pause instead of 0%
  • the orphan pages filter (Orphan Pages, pages without external links) has been fixed
  • fixed the «Access Violation» bug that appeared after deleting the newly created project
  • fixed a bug that caused duplication of the last line when exporting a custom report to Excel
  • plenty of other minor bugs have been fixed
More info:


Established Memeber
SiteAnalyzer 2.9.6 Released! In this version accelerated loading of projects, incorrect parsing of internal and external HTML was fixed when using XPath method, fixed «Access Violation» error that appeared during site scanning...


What's new:
- accelerated loading of projects (important for «large» sites)
- incorrect parsing of internal and external HTML was fixed when using XPath method
- combined accounting of duplicate pages URLs with and without slash, and added redirection accounting
- fixed «Access Violation» error that appeared during site scanning
- added error messages in the program log about loading project data



New Member
SiteAnalyzer is a free SEO spider and audit tool that helps analyze and evaluate the SEO health of a website. It provides valuable insights and recommendations to improve website performance and organic search rankings. Some key features of SiteAnalyzer include:
  1. Website crawling: SiteAnalyzer crawls your website, similar to how search engines do, to identify issues and gather data about your web pages. It helps you understand how search engines view and index your site.
  2. SEO audit: The tool performs an SEO audit, analyzing various on-page factors such as meta tags, headings, URLs, images, internal and external links, and more. It checks for issues like missing or duplicate meta tags, broken links, or poorly optimized content.
  3. Technical SEO analysis: SiteAnalyzer examines technical aspects of your website, including site speed, mobile-friendliness, XML sitemap, robots.txt file, and website structure. It highlights any technical issues that could impact your SEO performance.
  4. Keyword analysis: The tool provides insights into keyword usage and optimization on your website. It helps identify keyword opportunities, analyzes keyword density, and assesses the relevance of your content to target keywords.
  5. Backlink analysis: SiteAnalyzer analyzes your website's backlink profile, including the number of backlinks, their quality, anchor text usage, and link diversity. It helps you assess the authority and trustworthiness of your link profile.
  6. Competitor analysis: The tool allows you to compare your website's SEO performance with that of your competitors. You can identify areas where your competitors are performing better and gain insights to improve your own SEO strategy.
  7. Reports and recommendations: SiteAnalyzer generates comprehensive reports summarizing the findings and recommendations for improving your website's SEO. It provides actionable insights to optimize your site and enhance your search engine visibility.
SiteAnalyzer is a helpful tool for website owners, marketers, and SEO professionals who want to analyze and optimize their websites for better search engine rankings. However, it's important to note that while SiteAnalyzer provides valuable information, implementing the recommendations and taking further actions to improve your website's SEO performance are crucial for long-term success.


Established Memeber
We have released a new version of SiteAnalyzer, we'd love to hear feedback and suggestions for the new version.

New version SiteAnalyzer 2.9.7

In version 2.9 we have added the ability to import an URL list into a project, duplicate projects, export a site structure to a MindMap, and create a graph of a site’s top anchor. Moreover, some of the other bugs have been fixed.


What's new:
  • fixed the program hanging by 98% when scanning huge sites
  • fixed the issue of duplication of resources over HTTP/S protocols
  • counting of redirects was restored from beginning of site scanning in cases when only the first page was scanned before
  • fixed the «Duplicate Pages» counter on the «SEO Statistics» tab working incorrectly when deleting pages earlier
  • the accounting for the current filter is added to the right on the «SEO Statistics» tab when filtering data through the upper filter
  • fixed incorrect display of the context menu for some items of the «SEO Statistics» tab
  • the option «Corresponds» added in the URL filter settings in addition to «Contains» and «Does not contain»
  • fixed a problem when the visualization graph showed an empty window after restarting the program
  • fixed incorrect data export in the «Cyclic Links» report within the «Custom Filters» tab
  • fixed the bug «TProgressBar property out of range» occured when scanning projects
  • fixed «Access Violation» error occurred when rescanning selected URLs
  • fixed the problem of incorrect accounting of redirects when loading projects into the program
  • fixed «Argument out of range» error when adding URL to a project
  • fixed incorrect positioning of the data export menu on the «Info» panel
  • the «Hanging hub» counter of the «SEO Statistics» tab has been restored
  • fixed «Out of range» error in «Data Extraction» section
  • option to rescan N/A URLs added in the «Page Speed» section
  • added the ability to copy particular table cells by Ctrl-C
  • the option of data filtering is unlocked on the «PageRank» tab
  • the program language change icon added to the quick launch toolbar
More info:


Established Memeber
We have released a new version of SiteAnalyzer, we'd love to hear feedback and suggestions for the new version.

New version SiteAnalyzer 3.0

In version 3.0 we added transition to the paid version of the program. Also, a graph on the top domains and a graph of the distribution of anchors by the number of words were added.





What's new:
  • SiteAnalyzer software become paid with the price of one license of USD 190 a time
  • added the ability to change the alias of projects (the ability to give the project an arbitrary name instead of the default URL)
  • added page display on the «Info» panel for the «TOP 30 Anchors» and «TOP External Domains» reports
  • added the graph of links distribution to external domains (Custom Filters panel)
  • added a graph of anchors distribution on the project by the number of words
  • on the «SEO Statistics» tab the operation of the «Duplicates H1» filter was optimized
  • fixed not correct counting of duplicates on the «SEO Statistics» tab
  • fixed incorrect display of Page Speed metrics received via Google API
  • bug «TProgressBar property out of range» occurring when scanning projects was fixed
  • fixed data disappearing in the Info panel that occurs when clicking on a cell other than the «URL» one
  • fixed bug with incorrect determination of the nesting level of pages (now it is counted by the number of clicks from the main page)
  • improved page encoding detection when parsing sites
More info:


New Member
Dear colleagues!

I present to you the SiteAnalyzer software, which is intended for technical analysis and site audit (server response codes, presence of "broken" links, links to external resources, check for availability of title, keywords, description, h1-h6 headers, check for duplicate pages, calculate PageRank, etc). This is a Free analogue of the program Screaming Frog SEO Spider and similar.
The analysis is performed by scanning all pages of the site (crawling the site by links), after which, based on parsed data, you can audit the parameters of interest.







Key features
  • Scanning of all pages of the site, as well as images, scripts and documents
  • Getting server response codes for each page of the site (200, 301, 302, 404, 500, 503, etc.)
  • Determining the presence and content of Title, Keywords, Description, H1-H6
  • Find and display "duplicate" pages, meta tags and headers
  • Determining the presence of the attribute rel="canonical" for each page of the site
  • Following the directives of the file "robots.txt", the meta tag "robots", or X-Robots-Tag
  • Accounting "noindex" and "nofollow" when crawling the pages of the site
  • Reference analysis: the definition of internal and external links for any page of the site
  • Calculation of internal PageRank for each page of the site
  • Site Structure Visualization on the graph
  • Determining the number of redirects from the page
  • Sitemap "sitemap.xml" generation (with the possibility of splitting into several files)
  • Filtering data by any parameter (flexible configuration of filters of any complexity)
  • Export reports to CSV and Excel (full report in Excel format)

Differences from analogues
  • Low demands on computer resources, low consumption of RAM
  • Scanning websites of any volumes due to the low requirements of computer resources
  • Portable format (works without installation on a PC or directly from removable media)

I will be glad to any comments and wishes on the work and development of the program.


PS. The program is distributed for Free.
New version SiteAnalyzer 2.0.2




What's new:
  • increased crawling speed (growth of about 10%), increased stability of the scanner
  • the speed of drawing the nodes of the graph is increased by an order of 10 times (now the graph can easily display up to 100,000 nodes)
  • optimized time for the final saving of the project to the database (relevant for large sites)
  • optimized display of duplicate headers H1-H6 (duplicate pages removed)
  • added the ability to turn off alerts about the release of a new version when the program starts
  • added a column indicating the number of incoming links to a page on the PageRank tab
  • added ability to rotate the graph and change the scale by an arbitrary value
  • fixed not always correct definition of non-canonical pages (Wrong Canonical)
  • «Access violation» error occurred when deleting a large number of URLs
  • URL disappearance bug fixed when pausing the project / URL list crawl process
  • fixed a bug where the Delete button did not work in the Quick filtering field
  • minor usability errors fixed, minor bugs fixed
More info:


Established Memeber
New version SiteAnalyzer 3.0.1

In version 3.0.1 we fixed the bug occurring when paying with PayPal or Credit card, fixed a bug of joining H2-H6 columns, fixed a problem with displaying duplicate identical URLs, improved page encoding detection when parsing sites.


What's new:
  • fixed bug occurring when paying with PayPal or Credit card
  • improved page encoding detection when parsing sites
  • fixed a problem with displaying duplicate identical URLs
  • fixed a bug of joining H2-H6 columns with H2-1 columns, etc.
  • clickable links in the «Similarity to other URLs» window on the «Content» tab were added
  • pop-up window with registration reminder now appears for all tariffs except the paid one
  • fixed the «Invalid pointer operation» error occurs when switching between projects after PageSpeed scanning
  • «Registration» item has been added in the «Help» section of the main menu of the program
  • advertising banner was hidden for the paid version
  • fixed various minor bugs and errors
More info:


Established Memeber
SiteAnalyzer 3.0.2 Released!

What's new:
- fixed a bug where site scanning was not always started
- fixed incorrect data filtering for sections of the «Custom Filters» tab
- fixed incorrect operation of the «Exclude URL» and «Include URL» settings sections when scanning sites
- the filters «Internal NoFollow links» and «External NoFollow links» of the «SEO Statistics» tab have been restored
- added clickability for URLs displayed by filters in the «Custom Filters» panel

More info:


Established Memeber
New version SiteAnalyzer 3.0.3

In version 3.0.3 we fixed incorrect scanner operation when not all available pages of the site were scanned, increased the speed of site scanning being especially noticeable on slow PCs.


What's new:
  • fixed incorrect scanner operation when not all available pages of the site were scanned
  • increased the speed of site scanning being especially noticeable on slow PCs
  • added the ability to specify User-Agent while importing Sitemap.xml
  • the operation of the «Exclude URL» and «Follow URL» sections in program settings has been restored
  • fixed the «System Error» bug occurring on Cyrillic domains when using mass URL verification
  • fixed a program freeze emerging when adding a list of sites from 100 URLs or more
  • accounting of Javascript files has been restored (files *.js) when parsing sites
  • added the ability to scroll the tabs of the block with the main project data with the mouse
  • rapid search through the project list
More info:


Established Memeber
New version SiteAnalyzer 3.0.4

In version 3.0.4 we continued the course of detailed improvements of the program and optimization of existing tools.


What's new:
  • the ability to prohibit cleaning of the current database was added to the installation program
  • the «Source» column has been added to the «External», «Video» and «Documents» tabs
  • incorrect parsing of H1-H6 tags has been fixed
  • added the option to disable the program output to the foreground of the screen after scanning the project
More info:


Established Memeber
New version SiteAnalyzer 3.0.5

In version 3.0.5 we increased the speed of scanning sites, freezes when scanning «large» sites rich in images have been fixed, added the ability to specify the location of the database file.


What's new:

  • - increased the speed of scanning sites, as well as the procedure for recording pages after scanning is completed
    - fixed incorrect processing of relative URLs for pages with parameters in the URL and an empty BaseHref
    - fixed bugs with tabs and progress bar in the application icon («Access Violation» errors)
    - added the ability to specify the location of the database file (only for the paid version)
    - freezes when scanning «large» sites rich in images have been fixed
    - fixed not always correct checking of page indexing in Google
    - display of the data export menu in the Info panel has been restored
    - visualization of content uniqueness calculation has been optimized
    - the ability to delete projects in «Demo» mode has been restored
More info:

Eek a Mouse

New Member
Ye Gods, you’re really trying to plug this one, aren’t you. :) A totally free equivalent is ‘Screaming Frog.’ Good luck with yours though.


Established Memeber
SiteAnalyzer 3.0.6 Released!

In version 3.0.6 fixed incorrect counting of TITLE duplicates, fixed incorrect parsing of sites using Javascript, corrected activity of the «Exclude URLs» section for external links.

More info:


New Member
I've tried Site Analyzer and it's a great free SEO tool for site audits. However, if you're looking for comprehensive SEO strategies and support, I highly recommend checking out Impressico Digital. They offer expert services that can really enhance your SEO efforts.

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