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Speed Test - Quick question :)



New Member
Hi Guys

could anyone tell my why my homepage loads much slower than a similar peers webpage?

Mine has

1. higher score on pingdom 91 vs 84
2. a quarter of the size 1.3mb vs 5.2mb
3. half the amount of requests 24 vs 45

but loads 3 times slower! 5.2 seconds v 1.5 seconds



Staff member
Established Memeber
It will heavily depend on the server/hosting you are using, DNS and on page/on site optimisations you are performing.

Page size, requests and 3rd party scores are only a part of the story so to speak. Hard to advise further without more informaiton and possibly the URL


New Member
Hi ,
You can find the root cause in the google page speed insight tool where this tool will help you to diagnose the mentioned errors while loading.


New Member
Established Memeber
could be a slow database as well, but I would run my site on pagespeedinsights first and do the recommended fixes first


New Member
For accurate speed test results, try using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix. If you're looking to optimize your site speed and improve performance, Impressico Digital offers excellent services to help you achieve faster load times and a better user experience.
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