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The next big Social Media Website



New Member
We all know Facebook will eventually crumble, just like Myspace did. My question to you guys is, what will the next big social media website be after Facebook?

My guess is that Google+ will be the nominator in a few years, a lot of people know that they are a huge search media network, and can easily advertise and take advantage of people to use Google+. They will either build up their fanbase and users naturally, and eventually pass Facebook, or make it a requirement and link it to your Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter channel. Currently, they're desperately trying to link your Google+ to your Youtube, so it's only a matter of time before they make it mandatory. What are your thoughts on this?

Majid Adibi

New Member
I'm going to have to say Google+ or Instagram. Instagram was nothing a few years ago and look how much it has blown up.


I don't think Facebook will crumble like Myspace, or at least, not for the same reasons or in a similar fashion. Facebook is more integrated and well thought out than MySpace ever was. If its demise ever comes, though, I agree that G+ will probably take its place, as they are the only one with the same capacity and capabilities good enough to be able to offer the same features and grow in the same manner.


I'm not so certain that Facebook will crumble, but it is possible that it another social media website will become more popular. I have little doubt that Google+ will grow bigger, but not necessarily enough to become the top social network.

I think it is possible for a new kind of network to rise to the top. It could be one that comprises all the best features of existing sites, or it could be one that comes up with an original concept, as Twitter did, and suddenly everyone wants to be part of it. Changes in technology affect social media networks too. Many people access them on smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices. There could be something which will make a new media website work even better than the others when new technology is introduced that provides more ways to access the Internet and better ways to use social media websites.


New Member
I personally don't believe Facebook will crumble like MySpace did in the past. Will there be other social media sites that might be able to surpass Facebook in the future? Certainly, why not. However, keep in mind Instagram is owned by Facebook, so you can't consider that the be the next big one.

Eventually Google will start to fully integrate Google + with absolutely everything. This could be a wildfire or a drowning effort on Google's part, based on which particular apps they allow access with.


Active Member
I agree with the last posts, I am not seeing Facebook crumble neither am I seeing other website approaching Facebook's dimension. Google+ is miles away from FB, at a point Google will have to decide to take a risk to make an approach, but I find it difficult, as Facebook has many points of interest to its many audiences and it will be hard to come out of fashion, as they are permanently upgrading.


I also don't believe that Facebook will crumble. Though there are a lot of social networking sites that is starting to bloom but Facebook will still in its place as the #1 social networking site. Google+ has still a lot of work for them to be able to reach what Facebook already reach. If Facebook keeps updating and adding new features to help members and business to grow, then FB will still remain on Top.


I personally don't believe Facebook will crumble like MySpace did in the past. Will there be other social media sites that might be able to surpass Facebook in the future? Certainly, why not. However, keep in mind Instagram is owned by Facebook, so you can't consider that the be the next big one.

Eventually Google will start to fully integrate Google + with absolutely everything. This could be a wildfire or a drowning effort on Google's part, based on which particular apps they allow access with.

I personally would love more G+ integration, and I'm hoping to see it happen soon. I'm much more comfortable with G+ than I am with Facebook, and right now I love that they integrated all Google accounts with each other and I only ever have to login once, and if they expanded that to many other websites then it would be extremely convenient.


I have around 300-400 friends, in total, or better say people I know and talk to. Almost 90 % of them are part of Facebook and I haven't even heard one of them talk about Google + or some other social network. Facebook is the big guy for some reasons. Those guys at Facebook offices are working to make it better and make it look more beautiful and simple to use, all the time.

I don't think Facebook will crumble for at least another 10-15 years because I think Mark Zuckerberg will still be young by then and full of energy for what he created. After 10-15 years, MAYBE, just maybe, they may start losing ground. Remains to be seen, though, but I don't think there is any social network right now that can be serious competition to Facebook.
Robert Butterton

Robert Butterton

New Member
Personally I think social networking sites have ruined the quality of life. Rather than going on a romantic date you have people chatting each other up through a computer screen on Facebook now. People stay indoors more due to it and that leads to insecurity and feeling left out.

I'd much rather go back to the days when everyone had the nokia bricks and the only means of a conversation other than face to face really was through those mobiles.


New Member
I am currently building a Social Network which will definitely hit the headlines and gain popularity (and may be the next in the top 5 hot .coms') because I have a certain strategy. The thing is that most of you might act ignorant towards this post and I completely understand.


Personally I think social networking sites have ruined the quality of life. Rather than going on a romantic date you have people chatting each other up through a computer screen on Facebook now. People stay indoors more due to it and that leads to insecurity and feeling left out.

I'd much rather go back to the days when everyone had the nokia bricks and the only means of a conversation other than face to face really was through those mobiles.

I disagree. It's hardly fair to blame progress for some people's reaction with any type of change. Tools have always come and gone, and they have always been abused and misused. If we based our opinions too much on the negatives, then we'd never get to use anything, including knives for cooking and drugs for curing.

For every few people who can't handle it, there are hundreds more who are able to function well with, and despite of new technology. Besides, I think it's just because it's a shiny new toy and once the world gets used to all of these new things as a norm, we can then finally move on and find something else to mess us up.


New Member
Facebook isn't going anywhere. It's not plagued by the multitude of missteps and complete head scratching
gaffes that Myspace went through time and time again.

As for the next big thing, I do think it'll be Google+, but I don't see it experiencing the exponential growth that
it's predecessors did. It's going to keep growing and growing, but on a more steady pace.

As for the claim made in this thread earlier about social media ruining the quality of life, I couldn't disagree more.
If anything it's made a lot of us more connected than before.


I really thought Google+ was going to be the next big thing too. However, I made an account about a year ago, and haven't heard much about it since. You never know, though. I remember Facebook was around for a couple of years before it became really popular. Maybe the same thing is going on with Google+ right now. I prefer Facebook, but I could probably get used to Google+ as well!


New Member
If anything maybe Myspace will rise again. (MAYBE, probably not.) I don't see Facebook crumbling down. When Twitter tried to rise, it did rise, but I've seen an influx of people moving back to Facebook and barely using Twitter.
Bonafide Jones

Bonafide Jones

New Member
I don't think Facebook is going anywhere and I seriously doubt G+ is going to ever be significant. As for the next big thing in social media, I would look at Tumblr.


New Member
I don't think Facebook is going anywhere and I seriously doubt G+ is going to ever be significant. As for the next big thing in social media, I would look at Tumblr.

Though, if you think about it, Tumblr isn't really as socially interactive as both Facebook an Twitter. At least, that's my opinion on the matter. However, Tumblr would have a higher chance of being the next Social Media site over GooglePlus--for now? LOL.


Well, in my opinion there are two scenarios of what will happen to Facebook.

- It will evolve to keep up with the trends of the market. For example: It will add new features to try and keep people enticed in their social network!

-It will slowly but surely lose it's member and everyone will go on to Instagram as it seems to be the new big thing! However, I think that eventually Facebook and Instagram will merge together at some point!


If facebook does eventually begin to die, it won't go down quietly. But to be honest, I don't see facebook dieing out any time in the future and being completely replaced. But, facebook losing members is a more realistic possibility. Eventually, the design team at facebook will make a drastic change that will not be liked by a large group of people and they will leave. If this happens enough, facebook may be dethroned by another social media website like Google+ as the biggest social media network.
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