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Question Thousands of Links to my site from random sites ?



New Member

Please be gentle ! I’m a bit new ! So I’m on google search consol and looking at inbound links to my site and it has 3 or 4 sites that I don’t recognise with thousands of links to mine apparently, but when I take a look I can’t see the links on these sites, also the search bar suggest they are not safe .
I have tried to copy a bit of what it says
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)]

Any ideas what that is about please ?

Thank you


Staff member
Established Memeber
Hi Andrew,

Hard to say without looking at your site in depth and your search console and analytics. This is often due to SEO spam and site hacks with hackers attempting to interlink all hacked sites. It does sometimes get innocent sites mixed up with these practices but its always worth double checking everything to make sure you are not a victim too.


New Member

Many thanks for your reply, how would I check , i run a wordpress site with wordfence installed and running

Many thanks


Staff member
Established Memeber
Hi Andrew,

When you do a full scan with Wordfence does it raise any potential issues ? If you use Cpanel as your hosting you can also run a virus scan to make double sure.

It's also worth installing TAC to check your template files for code which isnt suppose to be there or is suspicious :


New Member
Hello Sir, '
Can i ask you something...
Share your website here and i can find the links coming from these websites and how we can use or remove those. The links you have from these website might hamper your ranking because they are directory sites, lorium ipsum dummy content site, this is a kind of blackhat, so share your website so i can find the exact issue in that.



New Member

I have a pile of links linking to my website from website that i never heard of. I didnt do it. It seem that some of my postings were shared by a chain of blogs and ended up on few hundred websites. Some of the links were amazing while others were toxic.

There is nothing what you can do about that. There are few websites with no content but sofa photos where my website is listed somehow. I cant delete it and there is no contact page.
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