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Traffic w/ little effort



Community Team
I've seen some good methods you could try to boost your traffic with little or no effort, the first method is affiliate linking which is basically you exchange links with another site so both sides are benefited. The second way I use is traffic boosting services, I use the traffic service to rollin easy traffic for my start ups. There are many ways to boost traffic but those are effective ones besides the obvious.


New Member
There are a few good traffic boosting websites to help you get some visitors. The fastest of them (that I have found personally) are Twitter (if you have some following there), and Pinging. Pinging through sites like Pingomatic, Pingoat, etc. will get you some of the fastest traffic, although they cannot be targeted type.


Do not look for shortcuts. If you want to get good traffic, you will have to work for it.

You can try sites like Addmefast to get free visitors, but obviously those visitors will not be good traffic.


Yes, I agree that you need to work hard to get good traffic; but sometimes you need some easier methods so that you can focus your mind on other things. I like the idea of using traffic boosting services. I've tried affiliate linking in the past, and I've also created back links by submitting links to my blog and website to social bookmarking sites.
Dr. J

Dr. J

Don't focus on 'who all is watching you'; just focus on 'being worth watching.' Just Be Awesome, and people who see you will feel LUCKY to see you and will want to share their luck with their friends!

See, I find that most 'traffic exchanges' ARE NOT people looking for 'what YOU bring,' but rather are looking for "more traffic." And you don't want traffic from people not in the market for what you're offering (so their traffic is more 'a pile of disappointment' than a vast audience of interested customers).

(And I know I look like a big hypocrite, plugging a traffic-exchange in my signature; but a) I'm using that exchange to send more people to Postloop (where I found this forum) and b) I'm doing it more 'in the interest of not wasting my machine's energy' than 'in hopes of getting any real customers.')​
and Don't Forget to Be Awesome (DFTBA ... popularized by Hank & John Green, YouTube's VLogBrothers.)​


New Member
I would be careful about using back linking services. Google is cracking down on bad back linking. Even link exchanges are being looked at by Google. They consider the best kind of back links to have are one way links from authority sites that have similar content.


To me, the words "getting traffic" and "little effort" cannot be found in the same sentence or said to be synonymous except in very specific niches where traffic "linking" is often done between webmasters with relative ease. In a sense, traffic is nice to have. It would be nice to be able to say, "I created a website that gets xxx,xxx+ amount of visitors per month", but the truth is, the only thing that really matters when it comes to maintaining websites for profit is traffic that will convert! All other traffic is extraneous and can only be used as leverage against selling advertising space to stubborn advertisers.

All the good ways of getting targeted traffic involve not being lazy. That's all. Creating organic content, pointing people to that content, and perfecting it so that it is shared across social media while following best on-site SEO practices is the way to go. I wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the amount of income I earn monthly today if I kept going for quick fixes.


I've found that when it comes to generating traffic with little or no effort, it's easiest to find out who you want to attract, and target that specific group of viewers in order to gain the most effective traffic in little time. When I was selling beauty products, I would try to get the attention of the young adult or teen age group to generate traffic that leads to genuine sales. Then, when I would work as an affiliate for maybe household products or clothing companies, I would try to find communities of females in the middle-aged group.


New Member
I usually pay for traffic. The website that I use for a majority of my traffic is called Planet Traffic. When I first started online doing affiliate marketing, I could not get any sales or leads, because of the fact that I did not know how to get traffic. When I signed up on Planet Traffic, I started receiving traffic to my blogs and facebook pages. I got many leads, a few sales, and a great downline, so if your in the need of good, cheap traffic, I recommend you check out the site.
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