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What programming languages do you know?



SEOTalk Guru
What programming languages do you know?

I know HTML/CSS and I am trying to learn PHP.


I know HTML, CSS and jQuery pretty well and I know some PHP and SQL.


New Member
I'm not really much of a programmer - i've dipped in here and there and have some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP.
I really should learn those languages better, as it is a valuable skill, and can be a real monetiser as well - programmers are wanted by hundreds of companies who will pay a good wage to keep them there ( especially Java).
I think that once you know one coding language - it will be much easier to learn another, as you will be familiar with both the concepts and method of programming.
If you want to learn a programming language - its definitely best to start with HTML and CSS in web design, as they pave the way for more complex languages - such as javascript (which is actually quite easy!), PHP and SQL.

A website that will be really useful to budding young coders is basically a programmers!
Also try out
and as for software: Notepad++ is the best!


At current I know a little HTML and a little PHP most of which I have learnt myself through tutorials and just working on things on my own. I would love to learn CSS and also learn more HTML and PHP.


New Member
I know HTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, PHP, some JAVA, jQuery and Flash (actionscript), and now I'm learning Python :) I try to keep myself up to date with web technology but sometimes its annoying to follow trends and I simply learn what interests me :) Out of all the languages I have listed above, PHP is my favorite but its also the most annoying at times...


New Member
I have a notebook of cheats for html, css, php, and javascript. I refer to it on a daily basis as needed. I can't say that I know any of them, but I'm good at fixing problems and keeping good notes.


New Member
I know a little bit of HTML and Java, I wish I knew more but I do not at the moment. However, someday I will know them all and be a coding master.


New Member
I know a number of languages: Java, C, C++, C#, php, html, css, javascript, jQuery, objective-c, python, sql..
But I think knowing a lot of languages can sometimes confuse yourself and mixing up some of the language syntax when coding. For me, I always forget a lanaguage if I didn't touch them for a month or so, but then after a few days of refreshing memory it will come back. =P
Canadian Lover

Canadian Lover

New Member
I have taught myself HTML/CSS, PHP/MySQL, JavaScript and Microsoft Visual Basic.NET. It's defintely useful having an understanding of the languages especially if you're trying to make money online.


Community Team
I know almost all of them, but with html 5 , PHP and JavaScript , I really don't need to use the others.
Robert Butterton

Robert Butterton

New Member
Admittedly not many.
  • Shell scripting on BSD/Linux
  • Python
  • C
  • HTML
I'm not that advanced in C, I only use it for my own projects.


Not enough to be honest. I know a little bit of HTML. Just enough to understand how a webpage is put together and enough to play with the inspect element tool in Chrome. I also know a fair bit of Java, although there are still gaps in my knowledge when it comes to higher end Java programming. I'm currently looking to learn C++ due to it's versatility and also because it's an industry standard.


New Member
I wouldn't even say I know HTML, although I definitely know enough to do basic scripting and design.
Due to my gaming background - I have a some good experience working with Java.

Like TheDerpMan - I plan on getting into C++, however I want to go back and learn more Java/HTML
before stepping forward.


New Member
Though I know HTML and XML, those are scripting languages, not programming languages.

Otherwise, I have a background in software and databases, so I know Java, SQL, C/C#/C++, PHP, JavaScript and a few flavors of Unix (Linux, Debian, BSD).


COBOL, C, C++, Java, Visual Basic - for all the software applications

HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, ASP.NET - for website development.

I have been a computer trainer and software developer too and that is why I know so many of them. Today, I work only on the Websites and as such, I am more familiar with the Internet Technologies as of today.


New Member
I began with basic html/css/js in school, building very basic websites back in 2003-2004. Later got into CMS systems like joomla but i did not quite like them. Nowadays I enjoy coding them myself, using frameworks in PHP and Ruby on Rails. You are way more flexible if you just code yourself!


New Member
I started with python. Beside that, i know C, C++, C# java haskell perl php html javascript and far a lot more :|
I just realised why i am so geeky :D

But at the moment i only work with web based languages so i consider myself a javascript god :cool-44:
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