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What's your best SEO technique?

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My best SEO technique is to publish high quality content on my blogs. Nothing beats a really well written, high quality, keyword rich article when it comes to SEO. My other tip is to backlink from at least five other high quality, high page rank sites. And, then backlink to those backlinks. Please share your top SEO tips and techniques.


Making quality backlinks to even better backlinks is one of mine too, along with manual Yahoo answers and utilizing less used up social media such as Tumblr and orkurt. Those sites seem to be less spammed and less used by those "SEO gurus" who we all know about ;)


High quality articles in my case too. And hardcore social media optimization sometimes.


New Member
Well In my point of view, one of most important SEO technique is content placement. Content must be fresh, unique and related to your website, so it could help you to come in search engine rankings.


My best SEO technique would have to be backlinks from directories I post my url to and also backlinks from other forums that I use and post on frequently. Also fresh and new content being posted on a daily basis I feel is another one of my best SEO techniques.


Link building on websites, forums, blogs & bookmarking sites. Good quality content helps too. (Regularly updated content too). When building the links try to only build links that are Not "nofollow".


New Member
I own a forum and therefore need to add new content every day, in order to feed the search engines. I concentrate on backlinks as well, but my competitors have quite a bit of traffic and a high PR.


New Member
Promotion and quality content and nothing will go wrong at least that's my plan :D


High quality post, write an article cause many users always keen interested in reading an article!
and mostly Keywords...


My best SEO technique is speed, it's my secret weapon. While my competitors all run various plugins and set up CDNs to run faster I opt for 100% static html pages, there is nothing faster. If you can avoid loading wordpress, or using a database, by converting to static then it's physically impossible for a wordpress site to be faster.


My favorite SEO technique is video. I really could say content in various forms, but videos are the best type of content for fast ranking. I personally don't like videos, but they are very popular.


New Member
My favorite SEO technique is video. I really could say content in various forms, but videos are the best type of content for fast ranking. I personally don't like videos, but they are very popular.

I would figure that videos would be inherently anti-SEO as their content is audio, not text, and would therefore, not be able to be indexed by search engines.


I would figure that videos would be inherently anti-SEO as their content is audio, not text, and would therefore, not be able to be indexed by search engines.

Nope, videos are great especially if you provide a transcript of your video.


My only technique is to publish as much content as I can.

I have thought about hiring someone to take care of my SEO duties for me, does anyone know how long it would take for me to see results if I hire a typical SEO company?


The shotgun approach to producing good content works, videos work, there are a lot of great ideas in this thread already!

Another good SEO technique is to make friends with your competitors and perhaps engage each other in friendly competitions. This won't work for big brands but it sure does between like minded webmasters who share the same passion.

If you can generate buzz the rest will follow.


[quote="BigBigFan, post: 6195, member: 432"Another good SEO technique is to make friends with your competitors and perhaps engage each other in friendly competitions. This won't work for big brands but it sure does between like minded webmasters who share the same passion.[/quote]

Actually I've seen a few MMO bloggers like John Chow & Shoemoney employ this tactic on a regular basis. Definitely something to look into but I think I might have to get a bit of a bigger following first. :p


New Member
Well obviously posting high quality content is the best way to up the SEO on your website, but also adding your keywords in the right spots is equally as important. My best SEO technique is creating a good flow of content.


How much content did it take before you began to see more than 100 visitors from search Bauss? I ask because I haven't launched a new blog in a while, I've been busy with forums and with established sites.


Content is the key of course.
Though content can be outstanding but without backlinks, its a lot of hard work down the drain.
Forum Link Building is my favorite SEO technique. Its quick and extremely effective for me.
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