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Who do you let see your profile?



Who do you allow to view your profile on social networking sites?

I'm sure you all have it as friend only but who do you allow on your friend list? Family? Friends? Online Friends?

Anyone can see my Twitter, my Facebook is usually for real life people only... With one or two exceptions. :p

How about you?

I can only allow my real life friends, online friends, and relatives to view my profile. Those people that I don't know cannot view my profile. I don't want to publicize my profile to numerous members of Facebook. I need some privacy even if it is online that's why I only allow those people on my list.


Active Member
I have spent on my security permissions of FB possibly 5 minutes if that much. Up to 2 months ago anyone could see the whole of my FB profile, but the wife started complaining "anyone can see the kids pictures" and I blocked the content to friends only. Now that I think of it, I think it's for the best, we never know what kind of people is around collecting photos and information...


New Member
For my Facebook, most of the people that can view my posts are my friends and family. Pinterest and Twitter are for the "onliverse" (high five for my new word), so everyone can basically see them.


New Member
I'm really careful when I do anything online, so my personal Facebook account is kept private, and I even hid some things that my friends couldn't see. However, my public Facebook account which I don't really care about doesn't have anything disabled. Anyone can view my profile, and I really have nothing to hide since I don't show my face, and I just upload some profile pictures, and some occasional posts.


I also hide my Facebook account with the privacy setting for the simple reason that I do not like the thought of someone out there checking through all of my likes, dislikes and personal details without me knowing! I also find and have heard that employers now can check your Facebook account and will not employ you if they do not like what they see! Therefore, for the distant future, mine will remain... PRIVATE!


Everyone can see my Facebook profile and send me a friend request, but only friends I confirm can see my photos, posts and everything else. I don't really use any other social network. :)


Only my friends can see what I am doing on Facebook. My Facebook privacy level is very high.

I also do not post any of my pictures on Facebook, because of security reason.

Nixon Marcion

New Member
My Facebook profile is only available to those in my friends list. It is not really safe to have your account open to anyone only for the sake of business. I use my personal Facebook account to inspire others and encourage them especially in the Lord.


I allow everyone in my friends list to view my profile on Facebook, with the exception of a few people I added because of a couple of games there.
Those people are on a separate list where they can't see anything.


I prefer to keep my personal information within people I know, so, I usually keep it all private, except to my friends and family etc.


New Member
When it come's to my social networking privacy, I only allow for friends, and friends of friends, to be able to view my profile and see my information. I'm very overprotective when it come's to my personal privacy, and that's why I do not allow everyone, such as the general public, to be able to view my information. That is another reason why I enjoy using Facebook rather than Twitter, because you have more options when it come's to privacy.


New Member
I let my Twitter stay public, though I am very careful what I say on share on there. My Facebook has a wall that is open to Acquaintances and up, though nearly all details otherwise are either Just Me or Close Friends (3 people I really trust).

My Twitter is mostly for fun and socializing, but I do use my Facebook for professional appearances.


Community Team
I let almost anyone see my profile, it's good for when I do online marketing and advertising.


New Member
Anyone can see my profile on Twitter but there's not much going on there at the moment I'm afraid so it's not providing much of a view for anyone. Facebook is a whole different story - sometimes there's too much going on but still, I'm not into restricting access to anyone who might know me or express a desire to know me - as long as they're friends with some of my friends. And my circle of friends is not limited to the people I actually know in the real life because the point of social networking should be broadening your actual circle of friends, right?


I keep both a personal and several business Facebook accounts, each with different settings. On my personal account, I keep important, identifying information private with some open to the public for any future friends or family who join the network to easily find and know that it is me. On my business accounts, however, I usually leave things at their defaults, or make a setting more public if it seems to be inhibiting my progress in terms of likes, discussions on fan pages, etc.


I keep my privacy settings pretty strict. I used to allow people to see other's posts on my wall, or posts that I was tagged in, but now I keep everything private aside from some pictures. I let people see a lot of my pictures, and I also let them see basic info, but I don't let them see my daily updates and things of that nature. You would be surprised how many people are watching you! It's kind of creepy! My blogs are private as well, aside from one weight loss one I own.


New Member
Mine is private. I do have around 560 friends. Am I close to that many people? No way. I also have students and former students on there. I don't post anything that I would say or do in the classroom or out in public. I don't private message or post on their walls ever. It has it's pro's and con's. I can learn a lot by allowing them on my page and having access to theirs.


I don't use any social media anymore. All the people I wanna talk with are in my messenger. Don't know why people give up their privacy so easily.


I'm the same as you OP - my Facebook is only visible to friends and has the highest possible privacy settings, but my Twitter is public. I use Facebook for staying in touch with people and sharing my achievements, whereas on Twitter, my posts are much more random and I often using my account for publicising things I've written.


My Twitter is for all, and so is my LinkedIn. But I'm more careful with Facebook. My personal account is only open to friends and family, but my business account is for public viewing because friends and family can't give me the business I need.

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