In every online money-making opportunity, there will be those few obsessed individuals who spend all of their time day in, day out, in an attempt to scrape together a good income. My guess is, those people making $40+ submitting how long a call was connected are either being paid premium rates for joining when the program first began, or do indeed have no life to speak of and enjoying doing taxing, monotonous, boring work.
Look at it this way, if a call lasts 40 seconds, and you review it, that may take 60 seconds altogether. You may not get every call that goes through, so you can expect to get, at most, 60 or a little more than 60 calls per hour. At a rate of 1.6 cents, that's 96 cents, or approximately $1. It might take you 10 hours cumulatively to reach their $10 payout. While there does seem to be potential in this, it's not income replacing and there are better income streams you can invest all that time in for a much, much better return for your efforts.
Here in my area in Canada, $40 a day translates to $1200 per month, which will get you a sub-par apartment room or bachelor room with barely enough to spare for essentials such as food and electricity. Not too worth it, in my opinion. You may as well be working an actual job, even minimum wage will net you almost double that.