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Does SERP CTR Improve Rankings?



New Member
Hi all,

I been reading some recent SEO techniques online and came across Neil Patel (who I have usually avoided) saying that improving your meta data to help improve CTR can actually improve rankings. I'm wondering now if this is actually true - this is my theory:

If I'm position #8 on a SERP for a search term but my CTR is higher than that of positions say #2 and #3, would Google see that my page (meta title & desc) are a good match for the search term and are therefore likely to improve my rankings?

Just a thought as I know keyword insertion in the meta description won't make a difference. What're your thoughts?


Staff member
Established Memeber
Organic CTR I believe does help, but possibly not as directly as people are thinking, more of a combination of usability metrics ( time on site, bounce rates etc ) combined with organic CTR giving a rounded picture of the real situation.

Meta Descriptions in my opinion should still have phrased and searcher intent phrases included, even if you think they are not providing value in terms of keywords used, they could if used correctly still give the searcher the instant awareness that your page holds the answer to their question.


New Member
SERP results that have a higher than expected CTRhave been known to improve, and those with lowerCTR to decline. No matter the case, optimizing CTR will bring results, especially when replicated at scale

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